
MongoDB参考手册(影印版) PDF下载




  MongoDB作为一套高性能、特性丰富的NoSQL数据 库,构成了众多复杂的研发系统的支柱。在纳亚克编 *的《MongoDB参考手册(影印版)(英文版)》中,你 肯定能够找到你正在苦苦找寻的MongoDB解决方案。

  从如何使用各种配置在不同的模式下初始化服务 器开始,你将学到包括高级查询、MongoDB特性以及 利用MMS进行监控和备份在内的诸多技巧。随后接着 深入探究云端部署、Hadoop集成、提升开发人员生产 力。



MongoDB参考手册(影印版) PDF下载


Chapter 1 Installin and Starting the MongoDB Server
 ; Introduction
 ; Single node Installation of MongoDB
 ; Starting a single node instance using command-line options
 ; Single node installation of MongoDB with options from the config file
 ; Connecting to a single node from the Mongo shell with a
 ; preloaded JavaScript
 ; Connecting to a single node from a Java client
 ; Starting multiple instances as part of a replica set
 ; Connecting to the replica set from the shell to query and insert data
 ; Connecting to the replica set to query and insert data from a Java client
 ; Starting a simple sharded environment of two shards
 ; Connecting to a shard from the Mongo shell and performing operations
Chapter 2: Command-line Operations and Indexes
 ; Creating test data
 ; Performing simple querying, projections, and pagination
 ; from the Mongo shell
 ; Updating and deleting data from the shell
 ; Creating an Index and viewing plans of queries
 ; Background and foreground index creation from the shell
 ; Creating unique indexes on collection and deleting the
 ; existing duplicate data automatically
 ; Creating and understanding sparse indexes
 ; Expiring documents after a fixed interval using the TrL index
 ; Expiring documents at a given time using the TrL index
Chapter 3: Programming Language Drivers
 ; Introduction
 ; Installing PyMongo
 ; Executing query and insert operations using PyMongo
 ; Executing update and delete operations using PyMongo
 ; Aggregation in Mongo using PyMongo
 ; MapReduce in Mongo using PyMongo
 ; Executing query and insert operations using a Java client
 ; Executing update and delete operations using a Java client
 ; Aggregation in Mongo using a Java client
 ; MapReduce in Mongo using a Java client
Chapter 4: Administration
 ; Renaming a collection
 ; Viewing collection stats
 ; Viewing database stats
 ; Disabling the preallocation of data files
 ; Manually padding a document
 ; Understanding the mongostat and mongotop utilities
 ; Estimating the working set
 ; Viewing and killing the currently executing operations
 ; Using profiler to profile operations
 ; Setting up users in MongoDB
 ; Understanding interprocess security in MongoDB
 ; Modifying collection behavior using the collMod command
 ; Setting up MongoDB as a Windows Service
 ; Configuring a replica set
 ; Stepping down as a primary instance from the replica set
 ; Exploring the local database of a replica set
 ; Understanding and analyzing oplogs
 ; Building tagged replica sets
 ; Configuring the default shard for nonsharded collections
 ; Manually splitting and migrating chunks
 ; Performing domain-driven sharding using tags
 ; Exploring the config database in a sharded setup
 ;Chapter 5: Advanced Operations
 ; Introduction
 ; Atomic find and modify operations
 ; Implementing atomic counters in MongoDB
 ; Implementing server-side scripts
 ; Creating and tailing capped collection cursors in MongoDB
 ; Converting a normal collection to a capped collection
 ; Storing binary data in MongoDB
 ; Storing large data in MongoDB using GridFS
 ; Storing data to GridFS from a Java client
 ; Storing data to GridFS from a Python client
 ; Implementing triggers in MongoDB using oplog
 ; Executing flat plane (2D) geospatial queries in Mongo using
 ; geospatial indexes
 ; Spherical indexes and GeoJSON-compliant data in MongoDB
 ; Implementing a full-text search in MongoDB
 ; Integrating MongoDB with Elasticsearch for a full-text search
Chapter 6: Monitoring and Backups
 ; Introduction
 ; Signing up for MMS and setting up the MMS monitoring agent
 ; Managing users and groups on the MMS console
 ; Monitoring MongoDB instances on MMS
 ; Setting up monitoring alerts on MMS
 ; Backing up and restoring data in Mongo using out-of-the box tools
 ; Configuring the MMS backup service
 ; Managing backups in the MMS backup service
Chapter 7: Cloud Deployment on MongoDB
 ; Introduction
 ; Setting up and managing the MongoLab account
 ; Setting up a sandbox MongoDB instance on MongoLab
 ; Performing operations on MongoDB from MongoLab GUI
 ; Setting up MongoDB on Amazon EC2 using the MongoDB AMI
 ; Setting up MongoDB on Amazon EC2 without using the MongoDB AMI
Chapter 8: Integration with Hadoop
 ; Introduction
 ; Executing our first sample MapReduce job using the
 ; mongo-hadoop connector
 ; Writing our first Hadoop MapReduce job
 ; Running MapReduce jobs on Hadoop using streaming
 ; Running a MapReduce job on Amazon EMR
Chapter 9: Open Source and Progrietary Tools
 ; Introduction
 ; Developing using spring-data-mongodb
 ; Accessing MongoDB using Java Persistence API
 ; Accessing MongoDB over REST
 ; Installing the GUI-based client, MongoVUE, for MongoDB
Appendix: Concepts for Reference
 ; Write concern and its significance
 ; Read preference for querying

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