
Web Engineering PDF下载




“This book gives a unique account of the emerging field of Web engineering by presenting 25 thoroughly reviewed papers drawn from two recent workshops on the topic together with introductory and motivating surveys and a list of Web engineering resources in chapters on - Web engineering: introduction and perspectives - Web-based system development: process and methodology - Managing information on the Web - Development tools, skills, and case studies - Performance, testing, and Web metrices - Web maintenance and reuse The book will appeal equally to researchers, students, professionals and practitioners in industry interested in developing, maintaining, and using advanced Web-based systems and applications.”



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Web Engineering:Introduction and Perspectives
Web Engineering:Introduction and Perspectives-Overview
Web Engineering:A New Discipline for Development
of Web-Based Systems
Web Engineering:Beyond CS,IS and SE Evolutionary
and Non-engineering Perspectives
Web Engineering in Action
Web-Based Systems Development:Process and Methodology
Web-Based Systems Development:Process and Methodology-Overview
Corporate Web Development:
From Process Infancy to Maturity-A Case Study
Applying Cross-Functional Evolutionary Methodologies
to Web Development
Development and Evolution of Web-Applications
Using the WebComposition Process Model
Engineering the Web for Multimedia
Modelling Security Policies in Hypermedia and Web-Based Applications
Web-Based Information Systems Development-
A User Centered Engineering Approach
Rapid Service Development:An Integral Approach
to e-Business Engineering
Managing Information on the Web
Development Tools,Skills and Case Studies
Performance,Testing and Web Metrics
Web Maintenance and Reuse
Web Engineering Resources
Author Index

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