AndrewJ. Brust is Chief, New Technology at twentysix New York, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in business intelligence, enterprise integration, and .NET application development. Andrew is a Microsoft Regional Director for New York/New Jersey, a Visual Basic MVP, a member of Microsofts Business Intelligence Partner Advisory Council, a Conference Chair for VSLive!, and a Vice Chair of the New York Software Industry Association.  ;
本书详细介绍了如何使用Microsoft SQL Server 2005开发个性定制数据库的编程基础,内容涵盖商务、网络服务器、报表、数据库管理和综合业务等。书中提供真实范例及大量代码样本,读者可利用现有技巧和知识拓展新SQL技术之路,提升数据库安全级别,以及学会如何利用Visual Studio 2005来进行测试。
Part Ⅰ Design Fundamentals and Core Technologies
1 Overview
2 Exploring the T-SQL Enhancements in SQL Server 2005
3 An Overview of SQL CLR
4 XML and the Relational Database
5 Introducing SQL Server Management Studio
6 Using SQL Server Management Objects(SMO)
7 SQL Server 2005 Security
Part Ⅱ Applications Development and Reach Technologies
8 ADO.NET 2.0, Typed DataSet Objects, and .NET Data Binding
9 Debugging
10 SQL Server 2005 Native XML Web Services
11 Transactions
12 SQL Server Service Broker: The New Middleware
13 Using SQL Server 2005 Notification Services
14 Developing Desktop Applications with SQL Server Express Edition
15 Developing Applications with SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Editionand SQL Server Merge Replication
Part Ⅲ Reporting and Business Intelligence
16 Using SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
17 Basic OLAP
18 Advanced OLAP
19 OLAP Application Development
20 Extending Your Database System with Data Mining
21 Reporting Services
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