2015物联网及其应用国际论坛会议文集编委编* 的《2015物联网及其应用国际论坛会议文集(英文版) 》是2015年11月26—27日在武汉举行的2015年物联网及其应用国际论坛会议论文摘要集。主要包括:物联网的发展和前景预测、物联网的标准和信息安全、传感器和传感器技术、射频识别技术与追溯性、计算机和网络技术、通信平台和接口、M2M通信、物联网系统集成、无线供电技术、数据管理和处理技术、物联网应用中的天线和电波传播、物联网应用中测量和控制、物联网在运输、物流、工业、健康、公用设施方面的应用、智能家居、建筑、城市和制造、以人为中心的物联网。
Intelligent Systems and Internet of ThingsPicknPack and RFID-enabled Traceability SystemChallenges in IoT Design and ApplicationsBig Data in IoTIntelligent Transport of Perishables Using IoTIoT and Big Data with Smart ApplicationsSmart Cities and Internet of InformationImpact of IoT in the Oil and Gas E&;P IndustryCloud Manufacturing in the Context of Industry 4.0--Developing a Service-oriented Manufacturing Eco-systemInternet-enabled Cloud-based Cyber Manufacturing:A Cloud Robotics ViewApplication of IoT in Service-oriented Intelligent ManufacturingNew Demands for Lean Production in the Context of Product Customization and Smart ManufacturingCustomized Design and Production with 3D Printers in Cloud ManufacturingParallel Intelligence and Knowledge Automation:IoT for CPSS and BeyondsFlexible Electronics Manufacturing Technologies with Applications in IoTFiber Optical Sensing Technologies for IoTCloud Security: Challenge and PracticeThe Invulnerability of Industrial Wireless Sensor NetworksCloud &; IoT--Enabled Prognosis for Asset Management in Transportation and Logistics: A Paradigm for IntelligentControl of Belt Conveyor SystemA Self-adaptive Distributed Decision Support Model for Internetof Things ApplicationsA Smartphone-based Gateway to Support Mobile IoT InteroperabilityTurbiot TM: A Long-range Narrowband IoT SolutionThe Personalized Recommendation of Tourist PassengerTransportation Route under the Environment of Internet of ThingsImplementation of RFID Middleware with DatabaseImproved Locating Algorithm of Railway Tunnel Personnel Based on Collaborative Information Fusion in IoTThe Intelligent Alert and Monitoring System for the High Voltage Transmission Line Based on Internet of ThingsOntology for Energy Consumption Modeling and Control Optimization of Industrial Robot in Cloud ManufacturingRobustness Estimation and Abnormal Monitoring Data Detectionfor Thermal Error Compensation Models on a Heavy-duty Machine ToolAn Invulnerability Framework of WSN Based on Software Defined NetworkAn Improved Ripper Algorithm for Knowledge Rules Mining of Fault DiagnosisA Self-organized Framework Through Multi-agents for Internet of ThingsResearch on Security Framework of Cloud ComputingAn Energy Efficient Sink-location Privacy Preserving Scheme for Wireless Sensor NetworksA Distributed Condition Monitoring System of Large Low-speed Machines Using the Wireless Sensor NetworksWearable Human-machine Interface Based on Wireless Epidermal PVDF SensorResearch on Improved CSMA/CA Algorithm Based on the Drug Control of IoTThe Design of Test Platform for Production Line Based on IoT TechnologyDesign of Low-power Wireless Monitor System and Fault Self-diagnosis Based on MSP430Research on Muhi-UAV and Multi-target Dynamic Task AllocationResearch on RFID Antennas under Fabric Substrates in People-centered IoTDesign of NFC Based Clothing Information SystemWideband Antenna Array Design for RF Energy HarvestingDevelopment of 3D Scene Reconstruction System Based on AndroidResearch of Component Base Management System for TT&;C FieldContinuous Gesture Recognition Based on HMMA Study on the Integrated and Intelligent Health Management Built upon Internet of ThingsApplication of Image Recognition Technology in Pedestrian DetectionResearch of Kazakh Continuous Speech RecognitionDesign of Microstrip Antenna Applied to Wireless Power Transmission SystemA Smart Sending APP for Express DeliveryWireless Bi-directional Data Link for Smart Temperature RecordingClassification of Surface Defects of Steel Sheet Using RectifiedConvolutional Neural NetworksResearch of Multi-channel Under-sampling Technique and ItsApplication in a Type Ultrasonic TestingMethod to High Speed and High Precision Localization for Fluorescent Molecular in Super-resolution ImagingTopology optimization of Port Wireless Sensor Network Based on Small-world NetworkDevelopment of Circuits for Wi-Fi Energy HarvestingEthernet Device Electrostatic Discharge Protection Component Test and Evaluate MethodsThe Application of ZigBee in Smart Home and Internet of VehiclesThe Practical Application of Automatic Vision Alignment to the Internet of Things Production LineMethod of Gray Temperature Measurement Based on rea Array CCDA Reusable Adaptation Language for Relocation of Software Components on Distributed Systems
2015物联网及其应用国际论坛会议文集:英文 pdf下载声明