
Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services 社区服务的动态提供技术 PDF下载




 ; ; ; ; Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services outlines a dynamic provisioning and maintenance mechanism in a running distributed system, e.g. the grid, which can be used to maximize the utilization of computing resources and user demands. The book includes a complete and reliable maintenance system solution for the large-scale distributed system and an interoperation mechanism for the grid middleware deployed in the United States, Europe, and China. The experiments and evaluations have all been practically implemented for ChinaGrid, and the best practices established can help readers to construct reliable distributed systems.



Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services 社区服务的动态提供技术 PDF下载


1 Provisioning and Maintenance 1.1 History of Software Maintenance 1.1.1 Maintenance in Software Engineering 1.1.2 Dynamic Maintenance 1.2 Maintenance Provisioning 1.2.1 Server Provisioning 1.2.2 User Provisioning 1.3 Characteristics and Challenges 1.3.1 Provisioning Characteristics 1.3.2 Challenges 1.4 Distributed and Service-Oriented Dynamic Provisioning. 1.4.1 Target System 1.4.2 Related Products 1.4.3 Related Standards 1.5 Summary References2 Grid and Distributed Systems 2.1 Fundamental Concepts 2.2 The Principles of Grids 2.2.1 Service-Oriented Architecture 2.2.2 Open Grid Service Architecture 2.3 Grid Middleware 2.3.1 Globus Toolkit 2.3.2 CGSP 2.3.3 gLite 2.3.4 UNICORE 2.3.5 ProActive 2.4 Dynamic Provisioning in Middleware 2.4.1 Provisioning of Middleware 2.4.2 Provisioning Using Middleware 2.5 ChinaGrid and Related Projects 2.5.1 CGSV 2.5.2 GPE4CGSP 2.5.3 Application Grids 2.6 Summary References3 Highly Available Dynamic Deployment Infrastructure 3.1 Motivation 3.2 Principle of Dynamic Deployment Infrastructure 3.2.1 Dynamic Deployer Core 3.2.2 Deploy Approach Manager 3.2.3 Service Package Manager 3.3 Service-Level vs. Container-Level 3.3.1 HAND-C: Container-Level Deployment 3.3.2 HAND-S: Service-Level Deployment 3.3.3 Service Dependency 3.3.4 Avoid Deadlock 3.3.5 Time Cost Analysis 3.4 Performance Analysis 3.4.1 Dynamic Deployment Experiments 3.4.2 Capability and Availability in Dynamic Environment 3.4.3 GAR File Trafer Performance 3.5 Summary References4 Service-Oriented Dependency-Aware Maintenance 4.1 Dependency-Aware Maintenance 4.2 Motivatio 4.2.1 Concepts 4.2.2 Dependencies in a Grid 4.2.3 Maintaining Solution and Dependencies 4.2.4 Objectives 4.3 Definitio 4.4 Design of Cobweb Guardian 4.4.1 Architecture 4.4.2 Environment Dependency-Aware Maintenance in ThreeGranularities 4.4.3 Deployment Dependency-Aware Propagating Maintenance 4.4.4 Invocation Dependency-Aware Grouping Maintenance 4.4.5 Grouping Maintenance with Feedback 4.5 Evaluatio 4.5.1 Test Environment 4.5.2 Deployment Dependency-Aware Propagation 4.5.3 Invocation Dependency-Aware Grouping 4.5.4 Environment Dependency-Aware Maintenance in DifferentGranularities 4.5.5 Evaluation for Dynamicity 4.6 Summary References5 Asynchronous Provisioning Strategy for Heterogeneous Grids 5.1 Motivation 5.2 Asynchronous Provisioning Model 5.2.1 Traditional Maintaining Solutio 5.2.2 Definitio for Asynchronous Maintenance 5.2.3 Specification 5.3 Maintenance Algorithms 5.3.1 The Virtual Maintainer 5.3.2 HAND Handler 5.4 Time Sequence Analysis 5.5 Characteristics Discussion 5.5.1 Traient Fault Tolerance 5.5.2 Archive Pending Tasks 5.5.3 Applicability 5.6 Correctness Proof 5.7 Evaluatio 5.7.1 Environment Settings 5.7.2 Metrics 5.7.3 Applicatio 5.7.4 Overheads 5.7.5 Evaluatio in Cluster and Grid 5.8 Summary References6 Orchestrating Provisioning among Heterogeneous Middleware 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Related Works 6.2.1 Interoperability 6.2.2 Dynamic Provisioning 6.2.3 Scheduling in a Distributed System 6.3 Orchestrating Model 6.3.1 Definitio 6.3.2 Optional Solutio for Resourceless Execution 6.3.3 Classic Formulation 6.4 Problem Formulation for Resourceless Orchestration 6.4.1 Cotraints for Provisioning 6.4.2 Optimization Goal 6.5 Implementation of Orchestrator 6.6 Evaluatio 6.6.1 Environment Setup 6.6.2 Application GridBean 6.6.3 Abbreviation 6.6.4 Running Applicatio Separately on Specific Middleware 6.6.5 Orchestration with Specific Demands 6.7 Summary References7 Implementation of Dynamic Provisioning with Community Services 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Implementation of Essential Components 7.2.1 Service Repository 7.2.2 Administration Coole Client 7.2.3 Virtual Maintainer 7.2.4 Maintenance Worke 7.2.5 Dependency Probes 7.2.6 Working Flow 7.2.7 Lesso 7.3 Community Services that Apply the Dynamic ProvisioningSystem 7.3.1 Bioinformatic Services 7.3.2 Image Processing Services 7.3.3 Massive Data Processing Services 7.3.4 CFD Grid 7.4 Summary References8 Conclusio and Future Challenges 8.1 Conclusio 8.2 Future Challenges ReferencesGlossaryIndex

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