
SQL 傻瓜书 SQL For Dummies PDF下载




See how SQL interfaces with todays environments
  Start building and using relational databases with SQLs newest features
  The database may be the twenty-first century filing cabinet, but building one is a little more complex than sliding drawers into a metal box. With this book to guide you through all the newest features of SQL, youll soon be whipping up relational databases, using SQL with XML to power data-driven Web sites, and more!
  Discover how to
  * Use SQL in a client/server system
  * Build a multitable relational database
  * Construct nested and recursive queries


Allen G. Taylor is a 30-year veteran of the computer industry and the author of 24 books, including Crystal Reports 10 For Dummies, Database Development For Dummies, Access Power Programming with VBA, and SQL Weekend Crash Course. He lectures internationa

SQL 傻瓜书 SQL For Dummies PDF下载


Part I: Basic Concepts
 Chapter 1: Relational Database Fundamentals
 Chapter 2: SQL Fundamentals
 Chapter 3: The Components of SQL
Part II: Using SQL to Build Databases
 Chapter 4: Building and Maintaining a Simple Database Structure
 Chapter 5: Building a Multitable Relational Database
Part III: Storing and Retrieving Data
 Chapter 6: Manipulating Database Data
 Chapter 7: Specifying Values
 Chapter 8: Using Advanced SQL Value Expressions
 Chapter 9: Zeroing In on the Data You Want
 Chapter 10: Using Relational Operators
 Chapter 11: Delving Deep with Nested Queries
 Chapter 12: Recursive Queries
Part IV: Controlling Operations
 Chapter 13: Providing Database Security
 Chapter 14: Protecting Data
 Chapter 15: Using SQL within Applications
Part V: Taking SQL to the Real World
 Chapter 16: Accessing Data with ODBC and JDBC
 Chapter 17: Operating on XML Data with SQL
Part VI: Advanced Topics
 Chapter 18: Stepping through a Dataset with Cursors
 Chapter 19: Adding Procedural Capabilities with Persistent Stored Modules
 Chapter 20: Handling Errors
Part VII: The Part of Tens
 Chapter 21: Ten Common Mistakes
 Chapter 22: Ten Retrieval Tips
Part VIII: Appendixes
Appendix A: SQL:2003 Reserved Words
Appendix B: Glossary

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